The show takes place in the fictional "Modern Colony" located in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India and revolves around two neighbouring couples. The husbands, Vibhuti Mishra and Manmohan Tiwari are bored with their marriages and are smitten by each other's wives, unbeknownst to each other. Manmohan Tiwari is a successful undergarment businessman, whose wife Angoori Tiwari is a simple and naive housewife. Their neighbour, Vibhuti Ahuti Narayan Mishra, was once an unsuccessful insurance agent and is now unemployed. Often called "Nalla" (slang for being unemployed), he spends most of his time doing household chores. On the other hand, his wife Anita Mishra is a headstrong, smart, modern lady who runs grooming classes. She is the breadwinner of the family and despises her husband's unemployment and laziness.
Their houses are in opposite directions across the street, with the Tiwaris residing in House no. 6 and the Mishras living in House no. 9. The Tiwari's have their own house while the Mishras live in a rental house that belonged to Anita's uncle. Most of the plot takes place at their respective homes. The characters also visit a nearby tea stall 'Gupta Tea Center' where they mostly discuss their ongoing lives and general affairs.
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