- Yogesh Tripathi as Inspector Happu Singh, an incompetent police officer living in Kanpur with his wife, mother and nine children. His childhood best friend is an incompetent lawyer enamoured with his sister-in-law Bimlesh. He is constantly troubled by having to deal with the rivalry between his wife and mother. He is always bribing others for money.[4] (2019-Present)
- Kamna Pathak as Mrs. Rajesh Happu Singh. She is Happu's level-headed wife and is often the voice of reason in the household. She is an excellent singer and actress, but opted to be Happu's wife. She is at constant odds with her mother-in-law, Katori. She always makes her husband in doing things she wants. She has a friend Karishma.[5][6] (2019-Present)
- Himani Shivpuri as Katori Devi Singh. She is Happu's mother and Rajesh's mother-in-law. She is at constant odds with her daughter-in-law and tries to outdo her at things like acting and singing. She has a drinking habit and is a domineering woman who can see and interact with the spirit of her dead husband. She is always first to taunt Rajesh, she loves her son very much and Chamchi.[7](2019-Present)
- Sanjay Choudhary as Kamlesh. He is the happy-go-lucky boyfriend of Happu's eldest daughter, Kat. He is at constant odds with Malaika, Happu's second oldest daughter and ingratiated her and everyone around him with his heavily accented, broken English. He is often thrashed by Malaika when he gets on her nerves. He tries unsuccessfully to get Malaika to acknowledge and respect him and his relationship with Kat.(2019-Present)
- Ashna Kishore as Katori Singh " Kat" . She is Happu's eldest daughter and Kamlesh's girlfriend. She is named after her paternal grandmother. She is a ditsy, yet sweet and happy-go-lucky girl who tries to speak in English. However, she struggles to speak it fluently and earns the ire of people around her who can't understand what she is saying.
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